How does millimeter wave continue to媽她 accumulate force forward?

How does millimeter wave 腦金continue to accumulate force 光窗forward?

(Summary description)According to the data share愛會d by Joe Barett, President of GSA, 時師186 operators in 48 countries are p呢用lanning to develop 5g on the訊雨 millimeter wave spectru市子m of 26-28ghz, 37-40ghz and 47-48gh慢南z. 134 operators in 23 countries麗厭 hold licenses and can c話去arry out millimeter wav微事e deployment. North Am裡分erica, Europe and Asia account for 7民城5% of all spectrum deploym費多ent.

How does millimeter wave conti熱但nue to accumulate force forward?

(Summary description)According to the data share事關d by Joe Barett, President of 吧窗GSA, 186 operators in 48 co分遠untries are planning to develop跳區 5g on the millimeter wave spe厭體ctrum of 26-28ghz, 37-40g空又hz and 47-48ghz. 134靜大 operators in 23 countries快金 hold licenses and can 低綠carry out millimeter wa從愛ve deployment. North 黑電America, Europe and Asia account for 75懂視% of all spectrum deployment.


According to the data shared by Joe 匠嗎Barett, President of GSA, 186 o船算perators in 48 countries are planning這微 to develop 5g on the好銀 millimeter wave spectrum o友身f 26-28ghz, 37-40ghz an地員d 47-48ghz. 134 operators in 輛林23 countries hold licenses and討唱 can carry out millimeter wave d暗放eployment. North America, Europ店也e and Asia account for 75% of a時請ll spectrum deployment. Among th制得em, 26-28ghz is the millimeter wa視長ve band most deployed and licensed,讀費 followed by 37-40ghz band, and UH高來F frequencies above 48ghz are 西行still the focus of th快地e industry.


In terms of millimeter wave equipm匠不ent, as shown in the figur市樂e below, there are 134 kinds of millim吃那eter wave equipment, an in笑銀crease of 22 kinds compared w上火ith the beginning of 2021. Among t章那he four key frequency bands of美資 n257, n258, n260 and n261, manufa花喝cturers have released 33 / 20 / 56 木是/ 58 kinds of millime光金ter wave equipment respectivel為為y, accounting for 13.5% of the total 5g科關 equipment released. In terms of 花妹5g millimeter wave co日議mmercial use, a total of 慢科85 devices have been put into co水現mmercial use, an increase of 21 over南又 the beginning of 2021, of whic雜視h 38 are mobile phones, account子車ing for 45% of all comme門懂rcial devices.


As we all know, millimeter wave and s學讀ub-6ghz band are important technolo吃東gies of 5g. According to Xu Yi關從ng, R & D directo事兵r of Qualcomm China, many tra音刀ditionally regarded as mobili謝音ty challenges faced by 信醫millimeter wave, such as 通路limited coverage and high cost, only su信答pporting line of sight tran藍房smission, only for fixed use 校間cases, immature RFIC Technology, etc林草, Through more than 20 years海計 of continuous R & D and innov飛朋ation, it has been solved very well.


Mobile challenges faced by 5好老g millimeter wave (image source:西黃 Qualcomm)

For millimeter wave application sce員睡narios, Xu stressed that not all 用藍application scenarios need millimeter跳費 wave coverage. The most important 場也application scenarios c又藍an be summarized in fou體近r words: hot spot coverage, inc城制luding enterprise indoor dep票女loyment, indoor / outdoor v計書enues, transportation hubs, fixed wir風身eless access, industrial Intern計件et of things and oth長生er fields.


The most important application scenario畫草 of 5g millimeter wav醫城e is hot spot coverage (image source: 哥間Qualcomm)
"I often tell my colleagues tha兒樂t China is very suitable 北街for millimeter wave applications, b們水ecause China has a large populati電說on density and densely popul問制ated places such as airports,器校 subway stations and stad呢音iums are very suitab西聽le for millimeter wave app城可lications." Taking the 2021 Amer但那ican football season finals as匠計 an example, Xu introduced Q美資ualcomm's support fo在了r operators to condu但美ct millimeter wave commercial test湖坐ing in large stadiums. The data s通話hows that the total 金明traffic supported by 5g millimeter妹校 wave is 4.5tb, and the公來 peak download speed of so愛制me scenes reaches 3g到可bps, which is 20 times the peak down一相load speed of 4G LTE, and it is 自湖also the peak capaci外事ty and rate that sub-6ghz cannot舞離 achieve.
The 5g millimeter wave st民土andard is still evolving. Integr街大ated access and return (IAB), enhanc文吧ed beam management, power saving ch一男aracteristics, dual conne海請ction optimization, positioning and ot雜綠her functions are added to the complete坐錯d R16 project. In R17 and future versi冷風on projects, IAB sup微白port for distributed什要 deployment, optimized鐵科 network coverage and beam mana呢遠gement, expanded spe師少ctrum support, new use照市 cases other than embB Positioning a視章nd enhancement will be還兵come the focus.
However, although 5g millim外長eter wave has many advant裡技ages and many challenges on窗能 the way forward have been solv商窗ed, Yang Ning, director of oppo stan的對dards research department, still 都弟pointed out that from the actual s土術ituation of China, the allocation of 化雪5g millimeter wave basic resources, s車林uch as which frequenc物河y band can be tested? What frequency b民自ands can operators deploy? I自的t is still not clear 中紙enough, so the effect of promoting th月訊e industry is not significant.
Second, the typical disadvantage of爸鄉 millimeter wave is that 呢坐the coverage is relatively limite下玩d. How to ensure the火我 connection between network a輛刀nd terminal and overcome the劇議 disadvantage of limited c會河overage is a problem to be solved的答. At the same time, conside電草ring that millimeter wave has th費兒e advantages of large bandwidth and 些信multiple antennas, it will吃行 bring challenges to the termina機站l, especially the hea綠秒ting and power consumption of th年睡e terminal. How to avoi美說d the challenges caused就熱 by heating and power consumption 還你from the perspective of technology i雨用s also an issue to be con得可sidered in the indus章人trial development.
Third, for the overall d木章eployment of 5g millime開紅ter wave, whether on the network si城著de or terminal side, the 要習cost of devices and c去樂hips is still higher th術靜an that of sub-6ghz. How to r信人educe the cost of net錢畫works and terminals is also a對照 challenge for the industr風年y.
Liu Qi, director of the radio又笑 resources research depa放議rtment of the radio researc火錢h center of China Academy of informat呢火ion and communications, suppl司藍emented it from the 會畫perspective of research. He pointe土日d out that the first is to stren物鐘gthen the supply of mi章市llimeter wave technology from the歌件 supply side. In terms of st醫老andards, in addition to 3間音GPP's 5g millimeter wave standard行關, we should also pro筆場mote the standardiza討吃tion process of 5g applicat唱商ions, including core chips and devices高師, especially those with large mi遠些llimeter wave bandwidth; The sec店弟ond is the demand side.銀海 "From the perspective of the 黃但industry, there is demand, but how 內書to meet the demand of習近 the industry through supply 信門is the result of the joint efforts of 家她both sides and even multiple 了吃parties. We need to j很銀ointly accelerate the standardization p國暗rocess to solve the probl關紙em of industry fragmentation街分."
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Time of issue:2021-09-13 09:19:57

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